Wednesday, 30 November 2016

GREECE:Telling about us-Telling about our area/our school

Hello partners!  Here are our "movies"!
Telling about us:

Telling about our area and our school:

CROATIA received a postcard from France

We have received a postcard from France - we thank them a lot:

More about CROATIAN team

Our town:

And our school:

Hi dear friends from France! Your postcard is really nice!
We love it.

PORTUGAL: Our School Our Area

ITALY: we received a postcard from FRANCE!

Thanks to Mariam, Amandine, Charlotte, Malak, Margo, Rachid, Pierre, Clothilde, Maƫl, Quentin, Flavien and Lucas!

ITALY: about where we live!

Hi everybody,

this is the final result of our work. Each Italian pupil was asked to choose a picture, write a sentence about the picture and send the material to the teacher. The video is a selection of sentences and pictures of Italian pupils involved in two different eTwinning projects:
1) Let's discover our European math world


Monday, 21 November 2016

France : Our first field trip

Hello partners!
Today we went to Aix-en-Provence, and we visited the Vasarely Foundation.

We also participated in a workshop linking math and arts.
We sent a postcard to each of you, we will receive it in the next day, and a video wil be posted very soon on this blog and on the twinspace.

Bye bye !
The French pupils

Tuesday, 15 November 2016