Friday, 31 March 2017

FRANCE : Postcards from Slovenia, Poland and Macedonia !

and here is our Postcards wall in the Maths classroom !

Portugal : :Just sent to all our lovely partners :)

CROATIA: Our wall with postcards

Thank you all!!! 💗💕💓

CROATIA: Field work - Thales' theorem

On 13th March we measured lengths of shadows of trees and of 1 m long stick. After measuring we calculated heights of 5 trees we picked in our school yard.
That was a sort of a preparation for the Eratosthenes experiment - and whole class was included.


We made PI-circle for each country in this project 
and hanged them on the hallway with 49 digits of number PI.

Eratosthenes experiment in CROATIA

On 21st March we had a wonderful weather so we had a very good experiment.
Due to our measurements Earth's circumference is 40 300,24 km.

CROATIA received from SLOVENIA

Thank you very much!

CROATIA received from POLAND

Thank you very much!


Thank you very much!


Thank you very much!

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

FRANCE : Eratosthenes Experiment (Bonus activity)

Hello !
Today the french students participated in the Eratosthenes experiment.
Here is a video telling all they did.
Enjoy !
Bye bye !

Monday, 20 March 2017

France : The hexagon properties using Geogebra

Today the French pupils worked about the hexagon properties using Geogebra in the ICT classroom.
They continued to prepare the last field trip they'll do on April 4th.
Here are some pictures of this activity.

FRANCE : Postcard from the Czech Republic !

SLOVENIA : Pi Day celebration

This is how we celebrated Pi Day in our school - Primary School Kajetana Koviča Radenci, SLOVENIA

The most decimal places of Pi memorised is 252 and was achieved by Eva Pešti, 9. a, on 14th March 2017.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

FORUMS in the twinspace

Here are the results of our AnswerGarden surveys with students:

From now, our students can give their opinions about :

1) SPORTS : handball, dance

2) TV SERIES : The Walking Dead, The Simpsons

In the forums section, they will find some padlets and they will post their opinions on these padlets

Thursday, 9 March 2017

POLAND: Field tour to gothic city of Toruń

Hi partners!

Today we have visited Toruń - an outstanding example of medieval Gothic town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, called one of the Seven Wonders of Poland. Before the trip we have explored examples of Gothic geometry. Gothic architecture, and especially window tracery, exhibits quite complex geometric shape configurations. During the visit we could see the beauty of gothic windows and traceries. 

Soon we will upload a documentation and a film about our trip.

Greetings from the Polish team.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

ITALY: we sent postcards!

Hi partners!
Today we sent to all of you postcards from Perugia.
As soon as possible we will upload a documentation about our field trip for sharing with you our experience.
Greetings from the Italian team.

Monday, 6 March 2017

FRANCE : We worked about tesselations in the ICT classroom

Today we worked on the computers about the tesselations, in relation to our meeting with the architect last week.
Here are some pictures :

We used this website :
Bye bye !

The French pupils

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

FRANCE : Preparatory activity before our last field trip in April

Today the French students benefited from a meeting with Luc Domallain, an Architect who works in collaboration with the "CAUE du Var" (Conseil d'Architecture, d'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement  du Var).
Thanks to M. Domallain, they prepared their last field trip to Saint-Tropez in April.

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